Serving the Dallas Metro AreaTrained at Frito-Lay, I have had continuous CAD experience over the last 31 years. I have held every positions from CAD Clerk to CAD Administrator. Trained initially on a CAD program by Auto-Trol. In 1993, I switched to AutoCAD 11. I currently use AutoCAD 2010. At this time, I am a CAD designer drawing plans and elevations. I believe that my CAD skills are superior because of my CAD history. I was trained in the time period of mini-computers. The mini computer ran 8 CAD terminals (Tektronix 4014's). The hard disk on the computer was 10MB and the RAM was 32KB. At that time every line and object made larger drawings. To work faster, you needed to make the drawings small. Efficiency was the only way to make drawings. The art and science of good drawing practices seem to have been lost. I have trained several CAD operators. Both as the CAD trainer at Frito-Lay and at several other companies as an independent consultant. Besides basic CAD training I have also held specialty classes on certain concepts (such as paperspace). I have setup CAD systems on several occasions. The installations have been as few as 1 workstation to as many as 10 at a time. Setup includes everything from making the PC's to installing the operating system and CAD software and adding plotters and networking the workstations. Presently my interest is CAD efficiency. Over the years CAD drawings have become increasingly larger and cluttered. Poor drawing seems to be the standard. Bad usage of layers, colors, dimensioning, xref, paperspace, blocks and almost everything else related to CAD drawing is the common place. These mediocre practices are generally justified by time. The false notion that drawings are done faster by just throwing together parts is nonsense. You should not accept these poor drawings from your vendors and you should not send them to your clients. If you are serious about your CAD drawings and you want to know if your company is doing CAD the "right" way, contact me. I will: I can provide: |